
Human Resources

Join us and chase your dreams


1. Training

Novast has a complete training program, including pre-job training, on-the-job training, external training and self-improvement training under the guidance of experienced local international experts.

Novast provides comprehensive pre-job training and continuous on-the-job training in different areas, including corporate culture, quality management, safety systems, professional skills, management ability, corporate strategy, etc. Furthermore, Novast encourages employees to pursue on-the-job higher (post-graduate) studies with Novast providing relevant incentive subsidies to improve the professional knowledge and work skills of the employee.

2. Career Prospects

Novast attaches importance to the career planning of each employee and provides them with equal development opportunities. According to different development directions, Novast has set up a dual path career development system for employees, providing outstanding employees with promotion opportunities either through the managerial or technical paths.

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